ESSE™ Animal/Horse


ESSE™ (Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment) is a unique body work where we engage with the molecules of the horse’s body and follow the energy.

Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment (ESSE) is a unique body work that combines Access Consciousness™ with hands on manipulation techniques targeting the connective fascial tissue and energetic systems located throughout every inch of the body.

ESSE is designed to create changes in the structure of the body resulting in ease with movement, function and the energetic body systems. Scientific research illustrates that the fascial system responds to a question. The tools of Access Consciousness™ invite you to be in the question in all aspects of your life and the body.

Horses receive the ESSE work with great pleasure and the changes possible are immense.

Horses do not lie and the gift they are to us when we engage with them in the present moment is incredible. Horses who have received ESSE sessions have shown:

  • Renewed connection & responsiveness to rider
  • Greater ease and range of movement
  • Enhanced behavior and overall attitude


60-90 min.for 120,- € incl. VAT

Payment methods: cash, bank transfer or PayPal